Monday, June 25, 2012

Operation Overboard

It was high-energy.  It was exhausting.  At points, it was chaotic.  But, it was also an awesome week last week at Operation Overboard VBS at Wightman.  

A total of 212 children and youth participated in Operation Overboard, representing our largest crowd ever at VBS.  As I talked to children in the hallways, it was a blessing to see their excitement and hear how they described their experience at VBS.  “I’m having a blast!”  “This is awesome!”  “I love Vacation Bible School!”  It was obvious that they were having fun.
But, VBS was about more than just having fun.  They were also learning.  I heard about Noah, Naaman, John The Baptist and Jesus.  It was remarkable that many children could tell me about Bible stories and also recite back to me the “ocean insights” for the night: Depend on God, Dare  to Care, Claim Jesus, Choose to Follow, and Change the World.  
Reflecting back on the week, I thought about how important an outreach VBS is.  There were several children who came to VBS for whom, I am confident, this was their only exposure to the Christian faith.  
My reflections, however, did not stop there.  The more I think about it, the more I marvel at the tremendous gifts and talents we have within our church family.  From graphic artists who designed our postcards and banners to Tech Team members who put together videos and ran audio visuals to all our VBS teachers and leaders to the servants who provided food every night, we have some gifted and committed workers who are deeply dedicated to making disciples of Jesus Christ.  It makes me well up with pride just to be called your pastor!
Pastor Michael

Operation Overboard Final Recap from Wightman UMC on Vimeo.